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Your weekly briefing on legal news and developments in the energy industry, brought to you by KRCL oil-and-gas trial lawyer, Tom Ciarlone.

Dec 20, 2018

This week, Tom gets you up to speed on offset wells and liquidated damages as unenforceable penalties; the arrival of anti-SLAPP in the oil patch; and the Texas Supreme Court's warning to mineral purchasers: buyer beware.

Nov 20, 2018

In the latest episode of the podcast, Tom is joined by the managing partner of Kane Russell Coleman Logan PC's Houston office, Marcy Rothman, who discusses pitfalls and best practices surrounding digital signatures in the oil patch and beyond.

Oct 13, 2018

In this week's episode, learn when an "offset well" is not an offset well, according to the Texas Supreme Court. Also, get up to speed on the latest installment in the ongoing "fixed"-versus-"floating" royalty saga that continues to confound courts and counsel across the Lone Star State.

Sep 1, 2018

Blake Scott, President of Scott Energy Technologies, joins Tom in the latest episode of KRCL's energy law podcast. Blake explores cost-effective, risk-reducing, and often innovative strategies for solid drilling waste management and recycling. Operators, service companies, and other industry participants in the oil...

Jul 29, 2018

This week, Tom is joined by Chip Morris for the final installment of a six-part series featuring guest speakers from Kane Russell Coleman Logan PC on a range of legal issues impacting the oil and gas sector. Chip discusses the top ten mistakes employers can make—in the oilfield, and beyond—when drafting non-compete...